blankspaceA little while ago I was asked by a Twitch streamer, RealBlankSpace, to make a viking plush. RealBlankSpace is leader of the gaming guild Viking Nation as well as a huge supporter of the charity Operation Supply Drop that sends game supplies to military personel overseas. This really helps keep the moral up of the troops stationed in Afganistan and Iraq. All of Blankspaces subs from the stream go to supporting this charity which in my eyes makes him a streamer a cut above the rest.

He streams games regularly on Twitch and is a big PvP fan. He also gets the opportunity to test games for developers and you often see him fighting with unstable graphics and bugs, all in the aid of helping make better games.

As well as all this he is also has the Healthy Gamer website, which gives lots of information on health issues such as diet, exercise and mental wellbeing. WP_20150814_21_00_29_ProOne of the most recent entries is the RealBlankSpace Burpee challenge. These are a series of exercises with small breaks in between, increasing the amount of burpees you do each day. Not sure I can do it, I may die during the attempt lol but I will give it a go. Check out the links below as to what the challenge entails and surprise yourself.

All in all this gentleman is a really cool guy who is helping his community in many ways. It was an honor to make him his own little viking man plush. May he fight his way to Valhalla swinging that cute little felt axe 🙂